So I tried to upgrade my iPhone and wasn’t that happy that O2’s attitude was a flat “Non!”. Now it seems O2 have finally relented and if we’re good enough customers we can upgrade our iPhones early.
Apparently there’s an “O2 Priority List” (is this new?) which I’ve never heard of before. Here’s what it means apparently:
- All customers continually spending over a minimum of £80.00 a month, receive a 6 month early upgrade
- All customers continually spending over a minimum of £50.00 a month, receive a 3 month early upgrade
- All customers continually spending a minimum of £35.00 a month, receive a 1 month early upgrade
I travel a lot and my phone bill is regularly over £100/month thanks to roaming charges, so I assume I’m at the higher level. Not that O2 has mentioned anything to me.
So let’s review.
- I wasn’t a valued customer until there was competition. O2 were happy to hold me captive and screw me for as much as they could.
- Now I have choices for my iPhone carrier, apparently I am a valued customer. Although they haven’t bothered to tell me.
- My contract ends in 3 months – so the “6 month early upgrade” would have been useful when I first tried to get an upgrade but now it’s just insulting.
Thanks O2, I think I’ll wait until January. I already know you don’t value my business and whilst I know the other carriers are probably as bad, at least I’ll have some choices about plans and probably cheaper International Roaming charges.
There’s a real market opportunity here for a carrier that treats customers as customers, not prisoners.