I love airports, which is a good thing given how much time I spend in them.
Via Twitter I came across this heartwarming story – apparently there’s a 75 year old Iranian man who is trying to translate the book he’s written into, but his English isn’t so good. So he’s approaching strangers and asking them for help for a few pages.
I love it. Very human, very beautiful. Airports can be so soulless sometimes.
I remember once I was in the US waiting to take a commuter flight somewhere. We were sitting in some small far off gate, waiting to walk over to the plane (yes, that kind of small). The seats were in a U shape and there were a bunch of business travellers like me, and a young Mum with a toddler who was just experimenting with walking. After a few minutes of trying to maintain the “distance” everyone feels they need to when flying, most of us (I assume the Dads amongst us) put down our laptops and there was a magical 10 minutes where this kid just walked around between us, having a glorious time – and we were all utterly entranced. Needless to say, they had lots of help walking to the ‘plane!
It’s weird how we spend so much time trying to avoid connecting with people when we travel, but on those occasions when we finally give up resisting it results in memories which last for years.